HOGAR SÍ and Provivienda, in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council, have been working for the last few years on the Housing Rights project, which seeks to eradicate homelessness from a deinstitutionalizing perspective.
During this time, we have generated a series of lessons learned and results that we want to share. For this reason, we invite professionals from the homelessness care system to the Housing Rights Results Presentation Day in Barcelona (October 29, 2024).
We will also have the Photovoice exhibit, an exhibition of photographs accompanied by narratives by participants of the Housing Rights program as part of their exit process.
You can complete your registration here in the form below until October 22nd at 12.00 noon ** **.
Date and timeTuesday, October 29, 2024.
LocationEspacio 88, Calle de Pamplona, 88, Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona.
Schedule: 9.30 a 16.30
Programavailable in XXXX. We will have several dialogue roundtablesThe workshops will be held simultaneously in the afternoon (if you want to participate, you will have to choose one of the two).
Learn more about the social innovation programs that we carry out in the HOGAR SÍ and Provivienda alliance:
- The objective of the Housing Rights program is to favor the deinstitutionalization processes of people in a situation of homelessness, facilitating their incorporation into programs based on housing and integrated services in the community.
- The objective of H4Y FUTURO is to respond to the challenge of youth homelessness through the development of an innovative pilot project to test the application of the Housing First for Youth methodology in our country.