In the European Union, almost one million people are in a situation of homelessness. This alarming figure comes from the report "Overview of Homelessness & Housing Exclusion in Europe" prepared by FEANTSA and the Abbé Pierre Foundation, which was presented in Avilés (Asturias) at the European summit on policies for the eradication of homelessness in the European Union that took place on September 13.
This event of the European Platform to Combat Homelessness has been organized as part of the activities of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union. The meeting was attended by Ione Belarra, Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, and Karine Lalieux, Belgian Minister of Pensions and Social Integration.
Lalieux stressed that homelessness represents the most extreme form of poverty, a challenge that must be addressed urgently and effectively. In turn, Belarra stressed the importance of the right to housing, stating that "it is a right that gives access to other rights and, therefore, it is the first that we have to guarantee. Because without the right to housing there is no right to work, no right to health, no right to education".
We must but, above all, we can end homelessness. No one without a home, ever again. Today at the high-level meeting organized by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
- Ione Belarra (@ionebelarra) September 13, 2023
The Minister for Social Rights and Agenda 2030 added that it is not about managing homelessness, "we are going to eradicate it," she promised. This commitment is in line with the Lisbon Declaration and its goal of ending homelessness by 2030. Both ministers reaffirmed their commitment by signing the "Aviles Declaration," a document that revitalizes the commitment made in Lisbon. Yves Leterme, President of the Platform and former Prime Minister of Belgium, hopes that the 27 Member States will also join this declaration with the common goal of ensuring that no one is homeless by 2030.
The event was attended by representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, as well as civil society organizations and local governments. All of them shared their experiences and successes in the formulation of public policies aimed at eradicating homelessness. The Housing First methodology took center stage. This approach has proven to be effective in addressing homelessness by combining the right to housing with adequate social support to enable people to rebuild their lives.
In addition, exemplary practices in the fight against homelessness were highlighted during the conference. In one of the sessions, entitled "Community living: deinstitutionalization and community action as an approach in policies to combat homelessness in Spain and Europe", José Manuel Caballol, CEO of HOGAR SÍ, presented the innovation projects "Housing Rights" and "H4Y FUTURE". These projects, developed by the Provivienda Association and HOGAR SÍ, are financed by Next Generation funds through the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the Recovery Plan.
🗨️ @jmcaballol explains the four directions of #DerechosALaVivienda and #H4YFUTURO, the #innovation projects we develop with @provivienda_org.
- HOME YES (@HogarSi) September 13, 2023
👉🏽 Shelters for housing
👉🏽 Self-directed supports
👉🏽 Early care
👉🏽 Methodology #HousingFirstForYouth
Two years after the historic Lisbon summit, the European Union continues to work towards the eradication of homelessness. The commitment of authorities and organizations in Aviles offers hope for a 2030 in which no one has to live on the streets.
Salvi Macías Parrado, communication technician for Housing Rights.