Julisa's story: housing that is shaping the future of young people

"You take your suitcase and go to Spain," grandmother Delfina told him. And so she did. Now what he likes most is paella. She also got used to Serrano ham, although at first she didn't understand why we ate that raw meat without at least putting it in the oven. From a very young age, [...]
Marco Antonio's story: how to start a new life in the countryside

Since the Housing Rights program, one of the objectives has been for people to achieve full autonomy in their lives, as Marco achieved.
Toñi's story: the importance of mental health and housing

Toñi's story, like that of hundreds of people who have gone through the Housing Rights and H4Y FUTURE program during this time.
Housing Rights and H4Y FUTURO projects reinforce people-centered approach

The Housing Rights and H4Y FUTURE projects of Provivienda and HOGAR SÍ, financed by Next Generation funds through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, and in collaboration with 12 public administrations, have consolidated the people-centered approach as a key element of the [...]