Presentation - MURCIA

Keys to change

Do not miss the presentation day of 'Keys to change: Housing rights in Murcia' on November 18, 2024, where you will discover how we are transforming the attention to homelessness from a perspective of social innovation.

Come and see the learning and results.

Date: Monday, November 18, 2024

Auditorio Víctor Villegas - Avenida Primero de Mayo, s/n, 30006 Murcia

Morning session: 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

During the last few years, HOGAR SÍ and Provivienda, in collaboration with the City Council of Cartagena , City Council of Murcia and Region of Murcia , we have worked on Housing Rights, social innovation solutions to address homelessness and offer a better future to those living in this situation.

In Murcia, we have found the 'Keys for Change', a small object with the power to transform lives. With each key, we are offering autonomy, security and a future to people in need. Now, you too can be part of this transformation.
Come and see the learnings and results

We want everyone to have a key to unlock their home.

Yellow key

See you on November 18 in Murcia!